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Our Expertise

Growing in Living Soil

We grow in living soil with certified organic inputs, promoting beneficial microbial and fungal life in our soil. The same soil is amended between crops and recycled in order to provide natural conditions for our plants and for the sake of environmental impact. Soil glasses ensure proper decomposition of organic matter and predatory insects are prioritized for the use of insecticides.

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Altacan produces unique strains since the phenohunting is done in-house. We are constantly looking for new genetics in order to offer new flavours that set us apart in the market.


Altacan produces its own cannabis concentrates through its micro-processing licence and markets them under its Rosin des Caps ® brand. We use solvent-free processing principles that allow us to produce pure concentrates that represent the flower well. Our concentrates are produced with water, ice, pressure, heat and love.

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