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The benefits of
medical cannabis

Our commitmentin the production
of medical cannabis

Since its foundation, Altacan Bioressources has made it its mission to serve the medical segment, by producing high-quality cannabis and derivatives, which will be available in 2023 on various licensed medical platforms. Altacan also holds a license for the direct sale of medical cannabis to patients registered with Health Canada.



Since 2001, medical cannabis has been a legal treatment option for Canadians with various conditions (e.g. joint pain, loss of appetite, nausea, insomnia, certain forms of epilepsy, etc.)


This innovative regulatory framework has allowed Canada to become a global pioneer in the legalization of medical cannabis.  This has resulted in a diversification of the types of products available in recent years (extracts, topicals, etc.).


Also, beyond the 2 most well-known cannabinoids (THC & CBD), the cannabis plant contains several compounds such as CBC, CBN, CBG and THCV, which are also the subject of research aimed at characterizing them and establishing their therapeutic potential.

sources of information

A relevant source of information on the state of knowledge on the therapeutic use of cannabis is Health Canada’s October 2018 document (see link below) for health professionals:

In particular, it is reported (p.60) that a comprehensive review of 72 controlled clinical studies evaluating the therapeutic effects of cannabinoids reveals that cannabinoids have interesting therapeutic potential as:


•   antiemetics (control of nausea and vomiting);

•   to stimulate appetite for debilitating diseases (cancer and AIDS);

•   as painkillers (chronic and acute pain);

•   in the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS);

•   to treat certain forms of epilepsy.

Some patient support groups, such as the Arthritis Society of Canada, also provide relevant information on the state of our knowledge of the therapeutic use of cannabis for specific conditions:

How to obtaining medical cannabis ?

“Medicinal cannabis” means any product made from cannabis or its active ingredients for therapeutic purposes.

To obtain cannabis for medical purposes, the patient is invited to consult the Health Canada website that regulates this process:

The patient will find information on:


•  The type of medical document authorizing consumption cannabis
    for medical purposes


•  How to obtain cannabis from a licensed producer


•  List of licensed producers (including Altacan)


•  Health effects and risks of cannabis


•  Grow cannabis for your own medical purposes

Also, in recent years we have seen the emergence of a growing number of companies and/ or clinics offering patient support services, some specialized in supporting veterans, including facilitating affordable access to compassionate care programs.


These companies inform and educate patients on the different uses of cannabis for healthy use.


They also offer to assist the patient with their doctor, or by referring an affiliated physician, in order to have access to safe and controlled medical cannabis.


They can also help patients with the reimbursement of their prescriptions by insurance companies.


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